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Resources for 91΄σΙρ College of Wisconsin Inventors

Discover how your research can begin the journey of bringing "Patents to Patients."

John Lough Conducting Research Under Hood Picture

Ideas and Inventions

Learn more about what makes an idea an "invention," what makes a researcher an "inventor," and whether an idea is patentable or not.

Understanding Ideas and Inventions
Male Researcher Working at Bench with Gloves Picture


Sharing your idea is a crucial first step in the invention process.

Learn 91΄σΙρ Disclosures
Cheryl Stucky Working with Female Researcher in Lab Picture

Patents and Licenses

Following disclosure, your idea may enter the patent and licensing process to prepare your invention for industry.Β 

Learn more about Patents and Licenses
Female Doctor with Female Patient Picture

Commerce and Industry

The OTD strives to foster innovation and entrepreneurship within the institution while engaging the broader business community.Β Β 

Learn about Commerce and Industry

Contact Our Technology Development Team

Kevin Boggs, PhD, MBA
(414) 955-4381
Landon Olp, PhD
Licensing Manager
(414) 955-4884
Ann Amidzich
Intellectual Property Manager
(414) 955-8660