Green Environment Time Outside (GETOutside) Intervention

Green Environment Time Outside Study at the 91 College of Wisconsin

The GETOutside intervention is a study looking at increasing time outdoors and reducing the symptom burdens of breast cancer survivors. Eligible individuals will participate in a six week program, and be randomized into intervention or control groups. Data will be collected by survey, interview, wearable device, & blood draw. Study participants will be compensated.

A total of about 30 women are expected to participate in this study in the metro Milwaukee area.

The study is funded by the Center for Advancing Population Sciences (CAPS).

Research Information

Am I Eligible?

Not currently recruiting at this time

You may be eligible if you:

  • Have a history of breast cancer
  • Have completed initial breast cancer treatment
  • Live in the Milwaukee metropolitan area
  • Are post-menopausal
Study Staff
Dr. Kirsten Beyer
Assistant Professor
Division of Epidemiology

Contact Us

Not currently recruiting at this time.